Bout of Books - Day 5

janeiro 11, 2014

Day 5 - Friday, January 10th


Time devoted to reading - 1h30 hour
Pages read today - 57 pages of Siddhartha by Herman Hesse which I finished.
Total pages read so far - 342


There were also two challenges but I did not participate in neither of them.
The first one was the Create a Story Challenge hosted by Never Too Fond of Books:

The rules are simple:
Open your current book to the last page you read.
Using the last word of every line, create a poem or story. You must use every word (but they do not have to be in order), and you may add punctuation as necessary. If a word is split between the end of the line and the beginning of the next one, you may choose whether or not to use it.
Create a post (or tweet or video) that showcases your masterpiece. If you don’t have anywhere else to post it, you can add it as a comment here and use the comment link as your entry.
Add it to the linky on this post.

And the other was the Book Spine Poetry Challenge @ The Book Spines:

For this challenge,  use books you currently have available, and arrange the spines to make a poem. Then take a picture, and share it with the web!

Both were very similar to a challenge on day 4 in which I did not enter, and that's why I did the same with both of these.


Another finished book! I finished Siddhartha by Herman Hesse and I'm on to another book, this time by a Portuguese author, Alexandre Herculano. I also didn't spend much time reading because I had several house chores such as... well, cleaning the whole house, and I only read a bit before dinner. When I got into bed I was tired and couldn't read much as well.

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