Bout of Books 18 - Goals and Progress

janeiro 02, 2017

As usual, this post contains my goals for this Bout of Books as well as my progress throughout the week.

My Goals

  • To read every day for an hour, at least
  • To finish Royal Assassin, by Robin Hobb

My Progress

Monday (Day 1)

Time devoted to reading: 30 minutes
Number of pages I've read today: 15 pages of Royal Assassin, by Robin Hobb
Total number of pages read so far: 15 pages
Notes: I didn't read as much as I wanted to, but it was the first day I started to work again on my academic stuff. Hopefully, tomorrow will be better.

Tuesday (Day 2)

Time devoted to reading: 2 hours and 15 minutes
Number of pages I've read today: 42 pages of Royal Assassin, by Robin Hobb
Total number of pages read so far: 57 pages
Notes: Today was a really good day. I managed to read quite a lot, taking into account my life lately. I was really happy with myself because if I keep up like this I will be able to finish the book by the end of the week!

Wednesday (Day 3)

Time devoted to reading: 2 hours
Number of pages I've read today: 44 pages of Royal Assassin, by Robin Hobb
Total number of pages read so far: 101 pages
Notes: I am liking that I am managing to keep up with this reading rythm. I am loving this book and it is really hard to put it down! If I didn't have to get up early in the morning, I am sure that I would be up all night until I finish it.

Thursday (Day 4)

Time devoted to reading: 1 hour and 15 minutes
Number of pages I've read today: 24 pages of Royal Assassin, by Robin Hobb
Total number of pages read so far: 125 pages
Notes: I didn't read as much as in the other days because I felt a little bit sick and I couldn't find the concentration to read. Nevertheless, I managed to read a bit more than an hour, and I'm happy with it.

Friday (Day 5)

Time devoted to reading: 2 hours and 10 minutes 
Number of pages I've read today: 40 pages of Royal Assassin, by Robin Hobb
Total number of pages read so far: 165 pages
Notes: Even though I read a bit more that 2 hours, today was a hard day, so I didn't find the emotional strength to read more. However, I managed to keep up with my reading pace, so I guess it was not all bad.

Saturday (Day 6)

Time devoted to reading: 1 hour
Number of pages I've read today: 21 pages of Royal Assassin, by Robin Hobb
Total number of pages read so far: 186 pages
Notes: Although it was saturday, I managed to read just a little. I decided that I would plan some classes and then I would read, but instead of reading I was caught up on the internet! Shame on me... But I still managed to read for one hour, and I hope I can finish the book on sunday.

Sunday (Day 7)

Time devoted to reading: 3 hours and 30 minutes
Number of pages I've read today: 76 pages of Royal Assassin, by Robin Hobb, which I finished
Total number of pages read so far: 262
Notes: Today was an awesome day! Even though I had some chores to do, I decided to devote the late afternoon and evening to finish my book, and I did it!


As usual, I loved to participate in one more Bout of Books. I feel like it gives me a (sometimes) most needed push to be more focused on my reading. And beginning the year with one read-a-thon always makes me feel good, and motivates me to keep up with the reading routine established throughout the week.

Looking at my goals, I was able to achieve them! I read every day, for an hour or more, with the exception of the first day, and I finished Royal Assassin by Robin Hobb, a fantastic book which I loved. I am really happy with this and it only proves that if I really commit to it, I can read more than what I have been used to lately. All in all, it was a great week! Here are the stats:

Total time devoted to reading: 12 hours and 40 minutes. Wow!! That is awesome for me. I am really proud of myself.
Total pages read: 262 pages. I haven't read this many pages in a week I don't know for how long...

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